
16.4 lbs.

Thanks to one of my favorite bloggers, Dana at House Tweaking, she inspired me to spend time doing some light reading. Her post came at a perfect time, spring break! I am saying NO to school work/grading papers and instead am spending my week enjoying the Destin sun with a book or two in hand. I’m stoked!  Thankfully, my community library was oh-so-kind to let me borrow some lovely books. (Although, sometimes I don’t think they’re kind when it seems like I always owe them money!)

Here’s the lineup for the week, we’ll see how far we get……

P.S. I am so nerdy I made a KWL chart on what I know about house and home in my inspiration file. (Yes, teacher friends, you now have officially labeled me CRAZY.)

K= What do I know?
  • not much, some thanks to my mom

W= What do I want to learn?
  • everything I don’t already know, mostly want to be inspired or challenged

L= What did I learn?
  • yet to be determined-probably more than this brain can handle or should I say “remember”

I’ve got lots to learn and hope to share all the happiness with you when it comes full circle!

(Why 16.4 lbs you ask? It is the weight of these lovely books...awesome, maybe I'll get some exercise this week too!)

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